Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sculpture: Leonardo da Vinci models

Last year, I had decided to use a bit of my Art History interests to complete my Sculpture folio. Unfortunately, they were never used on the folio, but the contsruction of them was extremely fun and they are still one of my most prized possessions regarding art. They are made in small scale (about 6 by 6 inch) and are made from simple materials such as wood, plastic, paper, straw, buttons, wire, paper, cord, cork, toothpicks and glue.

Leonardo da Vinci's war machine

(Back view)

This is my little flying man - an unsuccessful concept by Leonardo:

Leonardo's flying machine

This is Leonardo's invention of the bicycle, one of his most successful inventions of all time:

Leonardo's bicycle

Leonardo's hellicopter - very different to modern designs:

Leonardo's hellicopter design

These were lots of fun to make. I painted them all after I made them to match his drawing sketches.

These models did not make it to my sculpture folio as such, but, when I post close-ups of the folio, you will be able to see them in the shadowboxes at the top of the first board, so they did end up there luckily!

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