Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My Cross-stitch: Cultures of Middle Earth - ROHAN

So you've seen my White Tree of Gondor. That is one of the many cultures of Middle Earth. I have also just completed another one today: the White Horse of Rohan (why is everything white in Middle Earth?!?!?!). This one, believe it or not, took me two years!! Not that it was a hard pattern to create, but I had started it straight after the White Tree of Gondor, school started, and I never completed it! It's been sitting in my drawer and just a few days ago I remembered it and thought, well since I'm on a short break from university, why not finish what I started ages ago! And so I did, so I am very happy that it doesn't have to sit in my drawer for any longer. Believe it or not, I was so fond of this horse, I decided to nickname it Barney. Funny and stupid, yes, but that's what happens when you study hard...

On and The Lord of the Rings: The Art of the Two Towers, I found this great design of one of the Rohan banners. I'm glad I found this design, because all of the other Rohan banners - of mainly horses - were very, very complicated; and if this one took me TWO years to do, there would be no telling how long those other designs would take!
So here is the design:
I really, really liked it, but it extremely hard making a pattern out of this one, simply because the sketch is very rough.

Here are some screenshots from the movie:

You can see where it is outlined in green is my banner and horse!!

Now, as you can see, the horse is white with gold outline and the background is green. When I went shopping for some ambroidery cloth, very, very unfortunately, the only colour they had that was remotely close to green was blue. This was a HUGE disappointment, as Rohan's main colour is green! So I had to live with blue, only to find out two years later they bought back some green into stock...not surprising, might I add.

And here is my version of it: Design property and copwrite of New Line Cinema

Same thread as the White Tree of Gondor, except with golden outlining, instead of silver. I just finished it today, so I am going tomorrow to have it framed.

Will be posting framed photos of them on my living room wall soon!

Photos - escept the last one - and designs are copywrite and property of New Line Cinema. Sources: and

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